Thursday 23 January 2014

Respond to staff feedback

The staff feedback that i have received was very helpful because I have been told to add more so some of my posts so that i can gain a better grade. Also I have to make my 20 songs that have inspired me into one playlist so that it is easier to listen to. To my photographers research I have to add more photos to the photographer and i have to research on one more photographer and graphic designers. To the post about my genre of music I have to add more images and videos, for the fonts post I have to neaten it up so that it looks presentable to the person looking at it. So firstly I will make my 20 songs into a playlist so that it looks better and it will be easier to access, I will do this by logging on to soundcloud and then create a playlist. Next on the list is add more photos to my photographers research so that people can see what type of photos I want to include in my magazine, I will do this by going onto Google images and getting more photos. Lastly I will add more videos and images to the genre of music post so that people have a better understanding of my genre choice.  

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