Tuesday 14 January 2014

Analysis of existing Magazine titles

This magazine name came from the company BillBoard advertising as a trade paper (paper back book). The name relates to music because of the BillBoard charts which is a big  music chart in the US which consist of all types of genres.

When I first saw the magazine Q I did not think that it was a music magazine. I don't know where the name came from, but other than that I think that its a good name because not many magazines have one letter as the title which is good because its like this magazine is one of a kind.

When the magazine was published for the first time the title was actually Volume, but then it was changed to Vibe. The title relates to music because vibe means in a verb "enjoy oneself by listening to or dancing to popular music". I like this title because I think it goes well on a music magazine.

NME stands for New Musical Express and I like how they have just used the initials of what it was called. It makes the magazine sound a lot funkier and modern. The only problem that I have with it is that is sound similar to enemy but other than that its a good title.

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