Sunday 12 January 2014

Analysis of magazine covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Front covers

For this magazine cover I like the fact that they have stuck to three colour choices, it make the cover look good and it goes well with the picture that they are using as well as that I like the colours that they have chosen because its quite unusual. As for the font, it’s blocky and it would stand out to someone at the shops. Almost all the text is in capital letters apart from the actual masthead which has a lower case e at the end, but they do this with all of their magazines.  As a result have mostly everything in capitals it stands out more on the shelves and will attract more people to it.  Another thing that I like is that there is hardly nothing in the lower third of the magazine.

In this front cover I like the way that they have put a quote from the person who is modelling for the magazine, it makes the reader want to pick up the magazine and read it. The font that they have used is very similar to someone’s hand writing and I like it because it looks good and funky. I like that the main cover line is just the artists name and does not say anything else. The important information about the magazine is in the bottom left hand corner it includes the price, issue number and the barcode.  Although the picture is covering just a little part of the magazines name readers will know what magazine it is because Q is a well-known music magazine within the UK. Things I don’t like about this front cover is that it has a border and I don’t think that is goes well with the magazine.

In this front cover I like the colours that they have used to match the black background, the white and the lime green attract people to look at the cover. I like the little circle to the right of the magazine because it gives the magazine something different. Again Eminem is covering the title of the magazine but it looks good and I like the fact that they have not covered the green within the D because they have used that colour for some of the other text on the front cover.  Out of the three covers I have analysed I like this one the best because I like what they have done with the colours and how everything is laid out. The cover line is in the lower section of the magazine and not covering much of the picture and you have the other text in like a column which I think is unique because normally the text is everywhere.

Contents page

This contents page is for the magazine Vibe, what I like about Vibe’s contents page is the way that they have written the word contents they have broken it up. This not only looks good but stands out from other content pages in other music magazines. Next I like that the only colour in the picture is a bold one like red because it stands out this also helps because everything else is black, white or grey. The layout is very simple and this makes it easy for the reader to understand it. I like how they have used different fonts on this page because it makes it look fancy and yet formal. Lastly the styling used for the artist suits this type of colour scheme.

This contents page is for the magazine Q; I like the fonts that they have used in this contents page because it’s clear and very easy to read. Also for the numbers they have changed the colour so that it can be seen with ease. There is a lot of information on this page but the way that they have laid it out it makes it easy for people to look at the page without getting confused.

In this contents page I like the fact that they have put a chart for the songs that are currently out, I like it because I have never seen this before and it’s something different. I like the font that they have used for the word contents because it’s big and bold this will attract the reader’s attention. They have also used more pictures in this contents page which I like because it gives the reader a taste of what’s inside the magazine. The colours that they have used look very bright on the page, this is good because they can use them on the main parts of the page so that the reader knows where that part of the magazine is.

Double page spread

I really like the layout of this double page spread because it’s very simple in way. It’s very easy for the reader to follow and it’s nice to look at. I like how they have used the artist initials on the page because it looks interesting and the way that they have written it is good because the is no first line for the K. The colours that they have used are very good because black and yellow work perfectly and this will attract the reader’s attention to the page. Lastly I like how they have the picture on one side of the spread and the article on the other.

The first thing I like about this page is that it has a big J going down the middle of it, it not only looks good but it will attract the reader, also Q magazine do this with a lot of their magazines. Again I like the layout of the double page spread because the picture is on one side and the interview is on the other. The colours that they have used for these pages goes well because the red matches the red lighting in the picture and it all looks very neat, another thing about the picture is that it has a quote on it and I like the fact that the quote is on the picture and not on the other side.

In this double page spread I like the fonts that they have used, it’s kind of an old school cartoonish type of font. Also at the top of the page I like that some of the text is changing colours it looks very eye catching. The white background makes everything on the page stand out and the fact that it says summer time they have used very light colours.  The graphic circle that overlaps some of the text makes the reader want to look at the page, also the styling of the artist goes well with the page. But the fonts that they have used for the main text looks boring, so I think that they should have used a more interesting font for that part of the page.

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