Wednesday 22 January 2014

Reflect on all preliminary work

How does your prelim represent particular social groups?
My prelim magazine represents the people who are sports minded, interested in playing in sport and enjoy taking part in sporting actives.

Who would be the intended audience for your product?
The intended audience for my prelim magazine is the people in school who take part in the sporting activities going on in the school also it is intended for people who just enjoy sports as a whole. The activities could be anything football, rugby and netball any activity that is within the school. Also this magazine is intended for the students who are interested in the results of the games being played by the school, even more the PE teachers that want to know more about the games and have a full match report of the games.   

How did you attract/ address your audience?
To attract the intended audience of my magazine which is sports enthusiasts, I used a common colour used by the sports industry which is red. Red is used in almost all types of sport whether it is Football or Gymnastics, so I thought that using the colour red as the colour of my title would attract people who like sports to my magazine because they are familiar with that colour. Another thing to do with the title is the font that I use for it; it’s kind of like an old school type of  font and it reminded me of the font used by American Football teams so I thought that it would make the title stand out. Next the clothing that I used for Brad is sport related because it is a Porto FC shirt , the colour of the shirt also helps attract people because it is a blue top and the magazine background is white is stands out with more effect. Another reason why the blue attracts people is because of the colour used in the title, red and blue go very well together on a white background.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Using Photoshop for the prelim magazine, I have learnt how to use Photoshop from the start as I have never used it before. I have learnt to cut around pictures to get the part that I want, how to re-size pictures and I have learnt how the layer system work in Photoshop.   

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