Thursday 16 January 2014

Language register

Language register is the tone of writing that magazines use to connect with their target audience with more effect. Magazines such as Vibe have a genre of Hip Hop and Rap so their language register would be informal and have slang within the text which would be used by the people how like or enjoy that type of music. Other magazines such as Q would use more formal language so that they can interact with a wide range of people because they are a mainstream magazine.

There are some negatives to writing with a informal language because people who don't buy that type of magazine but read it some where might get confused with the slang used in the magazine so they might be put off reading it. Another reason is people why people might not engage with a informal type of language register is because they find it childish and unprofessional so they might not think about buying that type of magazine. This is bad for the company making the magazine because they might be producing a good magazine but because of the language used in the magazine people might not buy it.

Using a formal language register in magazine can connect with a wide range of audiences, some people will feel that its not for them. People who listen to rap and stuff like that might not want to read a magazine with formal language on it because they might think that they won't understand the formal language used in the magazine itself. They also might not buy or read this type of language because they might find it boring and not interesting.

Overall I think that it would be a good idea to use a formal language register if you are doing a mainstream type magazine and basing it on all types of music, however if you are doing a specific genre of music then its best to use the type of language that is used in that genre of music.

The language register that I will be using will be formal because I feel that it will connect with more people and this will fit my magazine because I am doing a mainstream type of magazine. The  magazine that has inspired me doing a formal language is Billboard, I like their language register because it connects to all types of people and all backgrounds.


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