Sunday 19 January 2014

20 song playlist that have inspired me

These are the songs that have made me enjoy and like R&B/Mainstream songs, i like the lyrics said in the songs and the way the beat and rhythm goes. My intended target audience will like these songs because most of them are mainstream songs that have been either top of the charts or somewhere near there. Also they give out a good vibe to the people who are listening to them. So this is why i have chosen these songs.

1 comment:

  1. Tarun you've made a good start but you need to apply yourself now to produce work that will be level 4 (B-A*).

    1. playlist-sort into one playlist and embed that rather than 20 separate tracks/embeds.

    2.Institution-remove reference to Now! and have a look at any other musioc mags they already distribute. How will your mag fit in with their existing titles?

    3.Terry Richardson-add at least 10 images showing his stle in slightly more detail. What do you hope to copy from him? How is he the best fit for your magazine?

    4.Add research into photographers.

    5.Do the same for graphic designers. Look on the timeline on twitter for the names i listed (Saturday 18th).

    6.Language register-examples needed from magazines whose style you 'like' eg Billboard.

    7.Genre-more artists/images/videos/CD covers/Magazine covers needed.

    8.Fonts-tidy up the post and make it look neater-do it in compose.

    9.Colour palettes-don't be vague as you are in the first paragraph "i might". What colours do you like in the first block of colour?
