Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tasks to complete this week

The first thing that I will change on my magazine will be the layout of the front cover  as there is too much white space and it does not look good on the magazine and maybe I add more text to it to make the page look more exciting. Next on the contents page I will use a different picture because on Mr.Fords feedback he has suggested that I use that kind of picture on the front cover as the t-shirt used in that picture will give more ways to use colors on the front cover. I will then select a different picture and use it on the contents page, I will make sure that the picture is covering more white space as there was too much of it on this page. Lastly for the contents page I will make the last 3 contents are a bit more interesting to read because right now they are bit dull. For the DPS I will change the picture so that you can see the models face, then I will change the columns from two to three so that it looks more professional. Lastly for the the contents I will change the font size to make it smaller because right now it is a little to big.    

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