Saturday 1 February 2014

Response to feedback

The the post about my institution i have added what I think Prometheus GM will bring to my magazine and how they will help my magazine be known around the world.
I have change the background of my blog theme so that it fits the style of music I'm going for. I have researched the fashion worn be R&B artist and it has helped me pick clothes out for my model. Lastly i have added a short paragraph on why I have chosen those 20 songs in my playlist

The comments here are good to hear as Brad likes the look of my blog and the work on it, however he feels like some of the post could do with a bit more depth in them do up the grade. So I will do that.

This feedback has been very helpful to me as it allows me to improve my blog.

1 comment:

  1. I like the style and presentation of your mock magazine pages and how you have presented your artist but i feel that you could go into more depth on your artists profile but overall good work.
