Wednesday 12 February 2014

Mr.Ford's feedback

For my front cover Mr.Ford has suggested that i use a different picture to the one i have used because he thinks that i should use a picture with the white t-shirt because it gives me more options on the colours that i can use. Another thing is that i have too much white space on the page and that it needs to be filled to make the page look a bit more busier and lastly i have to make the other text more interesting. 
For the contents page the layout is not that bad so that can stay the same, as for some of the contents they need to be more interesting so that people look at the page with more interest. I have to change the colour used for the word contents to black and use up more of the white space.  
The double page spread has a good layout a couple of things that Mr.Ford has said to change is to make the text smaller and have three columns of text instead of two. As for the picture i just have to show the models face. 

Overall i have to change a some things and really look at existing magazines for help

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