Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tasks to complete this week

The first thing that I will change on my magazine will be the layout of the front cover  as there is too much white space and it does not look good on the magazine and maybe I add more text to it to make the page look more exciting. Next on the contents page I will use a different picture because on Mr.Fords feedback he has suggested that I use that kind of picture on the front cover as the t-shirt used in that picture will give more ways to use colors on the front cover. I will then select a different picture and use it on the contents page, I will make sure that the picture is covering more white space as there was too much of it on this page. Lastly for the contents page I will make the last 3 contents are a bit more interesting to read because right now they are bit dull. For the DPS I will change the picture so that you can see the models face, then I will change the columns from two to three so that it looks more professional. Lastly for the the contents I will change the font size to make it smaller because right now it is a little to big.    

Friday 14 February 2014

Plan of action

My plan of action is to change the fonts on my magazine to the fonts that I have chosen because they have now been put onto the computer. Next I will play around with the layout of the front cover and a little of the contents page as there is to much white space on them so I have to fill that space out, also I will add more text on the page to fill it up. On the text that is already on their I will have to make more interesting so that the cover does not look boring. As for the pictures I will take a few more so that I have more to choose from and i will also take pictures of other people so that I can use those pictures on the contents page so that the page looks better to look at. For the DPS I will have to make the size of the smaller and make it into three columns so that the page looks more professional. They are the changes that i will make to my magazine.  

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Mr.Ford's feedback

For my front cover Mr.Ford has suggested that i use a different picture to the one i have used because he thinks that i should use a picture with the white t-shirt because it gives me more options on the colours that i can use. Another thing is that i have too much white space on the page and that it needs to be filled to make the page look a bit more busier and lastly i have to make the other text more interesting. 
For the contents page the layout is not that bad so that can stay the same, as for some of the contents they need to be more interesting so that people look at the page with more interest. I have to change the colour used for the word contents to black and use up more of the white space.  
The double page spread has a good layout a couple of things that Mr.Ford has said to change is to make the text smaller and have three columns of text instead of two. As for the picture i just have to show the models face. 

Overall i have to change a some things and really look at existing magazines for help

Tuesday 11 February 2014

My draft

Draft feedback from Ms Abrahamson

The response that i got from Ms Abrahamson was very good because she thinks that my work is a level 3 standard, this is very promising. She thinks that i have good photos, the article is written good with the right language register in it. Things that would improve my work use more "snappy" headlines on the front cover and on the contents so that it looks more exciting to look at. Next i have to check the grammar and spelling of my article. These things will help improve my magazine as a whole.   

Saturday 1 February 2014

Response to feedback

The the post about my institution i have added what I think Prometheus GM will bring to my magazine and how they will help my magazine be known around the world.
I have change the background of my blog theme so that it fits the style of music I'm going for. I have researched the fashion worn be R&B artist and it has helped me pick clothes out for my model. Lastly i have added a short paragraph on why I have chosen those 20 songs in my playlist

The comments here are good to hear as Brad likes the look of my blog and the work on it, however he feels like some of the post could do with a bit more depth in them do up the grade. So I will do that.

This feedback has been very helpful to me as it allows me to improve my blog.