Friday 21 March 2014

Draft 5. How did you attract/address your audience?

For the masthead I used the font Freshman, I used this font because it was bold and chunky and that's what I wanted from the font. Also I chose this font because it would stand out when it is on the shop shelve because of the colour of the font, its black on a white background and this combination works well to attract people. So when my audience walk past my magazine they will be able to see it with ease. As for the positioning of the masthead I have placed it at the top of the page in the middle, I did this because I think that it is the most effective way to get people's attention. Also because the masthead is in the middle it will be able to be seen in the shop shelves with more ease. The model that I used on my front cover has a  similar style of clothing as the artists that are in this genre of music that I chose. This will help attract my audience because they will be able look and read about fashion that they like and will be able to relate to the artist more. I have positioned the model in the centre of the page so that when people look at the cover their attention is focused on the model.

For the contents I made sure that the actual contents fitted my style of music so that the reader would understand and enjoy what's inside the magazine. I did not want to too much off topic because the customer would not understand what I'm writing about, so I wrote stuff like "Justin Jailed?" this keeps the reader interested in the magazine and will make them want to read the whole story inside. For the picture that I used on the contents page I wanted to keep the same style as the front cover so that it relates with my intended audience so the model on the page is wearing a white t-shirt with a colored graphic on it. I chose this clothing because its the sort of clothing that my audience would buy and wear, this will help attract the audience because they will be able to relate to the artist more.


Double page spread
On the double page spread I used a pull quote from the article so that the reader gets a little taste of what's in the article, this will make the reader interested in the page and make them want to continue reading. I used a nice font for this so that they can understand what the text is saying and so that it gives the page a more professional look. Again with the model I wanted to use the same sort of style that I used on the other two pages, so I went with a blue sweat shirt with a white graphic on it. I used this top because it would allow me to use that colour on the page, this would help attract my audience to the magazine.

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