Wednesday 19 March 2014

Draft 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be people aged between 15-25, they could be either male or female and they have an interest in mainstream/R&B music. They are mostly interested in the major artist out right now such as Justin Timberlake and Drake. My magazine will be published every month and would be priced at £2.99 and the intended audience would be happy to pay that priced because the magazine would be full of great content and news that people will want to read. There are three types of tribes that would want to buy my magazine and they are Townies who prefer to go with the flow and enjoy keeping up to date with the latest celebrity gossip, they enjoy listening to all the chart music and are often referred to being the "normal" type of people. The next type of tribe would be Mainstream, this tribe is very similar to the Townies so they enjoy chart music and they like to watch prime time TV. They also like to listen to radios such as Capital FM and BBC Radio. Fashion wise the Mainstream tribe are happy to stick with anything that is available in the high street they don't like big brand names, so shops like Next and River Island would be their type. The last tribe would be Stylers, they would buy my magazine because they like the kind of artist that would be featured in the magazine such as Chris Brown and Kanye West. This tribe likes to go out to music festivals and enjoy listening to the radio. The Stylers tribe like to have the latest in technology so for example they like to have the latest TV's, phones and tablets. People who do buy my magazine would be interested in mainstream music and not indie/alternative, so they would expect to see big names within the magazines such as Beyonce and Usher otherwise they would not want to buy the magazine. My magazine will offer it's readers the chance to see the latest fashion trends and styles so this would attract the intended audience to my magazine. My magazine would appeal to my intended because it is similar to other mainstream magazines such as Billboard and Q, the styling that I have used on my model on the front cover, contents and the double page spread is well suited to my genre of music because it is linked with R&B artist and this will help to attract people to my magazine.    


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