Friday 21 March 2014

Draft 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Front cover
For the title of my magazine I wanted to have something that relates to music in some sort of way, so I went with PlayList as my title. I chose this as the title because it's similar to Q magazine and Billboard magazine as their titles are related to music, also I used these magazines as inspiration for my magazine. As for the positioning of the masthead it is in the centre at the top of the page  so that it can be spotted on a shop shelve, I took the idea from Billboard magazine as they have their masthead in the centre at the top of the page so have used this idea for my magazine. The font that I used for the masthead is called freshman, it is similar to other magazines as it's bold and easy to see but it has it's own twist to it because it has an old school american theme to it, this gives the masthead it's own unique style to it, so I have used and developed this idea . The layout of the front cover is very similar to the H convention because there is text on each side of the page and going across the page, however there's not that much text as I didn't want the page to look to busy with text and the text at the side of the page does not go all the way down the page, so in a way I have challenged this idea and adapted it so that it fits my style. The clothes that my model was wearing were not branded so that they would fit my music genre which was mainstream/R&B also this will help attract people to my magazine, I got the idea from Billboard magazine as they don't use any branded clothing on their front covers so that they attract all sorts of people. I used this convention for my magazine in hope that it would attract people to my magazine. So I had the model wear a leather jacket with a white T-shirt, this gave the front cover a professional and smart look to it. This style also fitted with my artist so this style continues throughout the magazine. As for the pictures the model is always looking directly at the camera so that the page has more effect on the reader, this idea came from Vibe and Billboard magazine as they use this a lot in their magazines, this is a convention that I have used. The photo on the front cover is a mid shot of my model as I did not want a close up of the model or a long shot as I didn't feel that it would work for the front cover as do a lot of music magazines. I have only used four colours on the front cover this is because I didn't want the page to look to colorful and on Billboard they use up to three or four colours on their front covers so I liked the idea so again this is a convention that I have used in my magazine.

Contents page
On the contents page I have used Vibe magazine and Billboard magazine for inspiration, in the top left side of the page I have added the title of the magazine this is because many music magazine do this and it is a nice touch to the page and makes it look professional this is a convention that I have used from Vibe magazine. My contents page has only one picture on the whole page, I did this because I thought that it gave a nice look to the page which readers would enjoy to look at, also I seen this used in Vibe magazine and I really liked it, again this is a convention that I used from Vibe magazine. Its the same with the layout of my contents page Vibe magazine gave me the inspiration for the layout as they have all the contents on the left side of the page, and I liked the way it looked so I used it for my magazines contents. I also thought that this layout would work well with the type of magazine that I made. The shot that I used was again a mid shot of my model, I used a mid shot for this page because any other shot would not work with the layout that I went with on this page and also I think that a mid shot is the best shot for this layout, this again is a used convention from vibe magazine. The clothing that my model is wearing on this page is different to the ones they are wearing on the front cover, they are wearing a white t-shirt with a blue and green graphic on it. I used this T-shirt so that when it comes to choosing font colours I have something to work off from. The fonts that I used on this page were Beatnik sf for the word contents and for the actual contents themselves I used Diamond light sf, I used these font because they fitted the genre of music that I chose and also they fitted the layout of the page well. 

Double page spread
In terms of layout on the double page spread I have placed the picture on one side and the article on the other, this came from Q magazine as they do this a lot with their double page spreads so I used this convention on my own magazine. The shot that I used in this page can't be classed as a close up or a mid shot it's in between the both of them, so in a way I have challenged this convention to suit my magazine. I wanted to use this type of shot because it's an eye catching image. Next I've used a pull quote from the article and put it in the top right corner, this is so that the page gets the readers attention and it is used in many music magazines. This is a convention that I have used on my magazine. The font that I have used on this page were Arial for the article and for my artist name I used Orator std, I chose Arial for the article because it is easy to read and many magazines use simple and easy to read fonts in their articles so that people ca understand them and read them properly. I chose Orator std because I wanted a font that stands out and catch peoples attention and again this is used by many magazines to make the page look nice to look at and grab peoples attention. 

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