Friday 11 April 2014

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For this course I had to use many technologies and learnt lots of new skills for programs that I have never used before. It was a challenge to work with some of the programs  because I had never used them before but in the end of the course I started to get the hang of them.Technologies that I used were Photoshop, cameras, computers, memory cards,animoto, soundcloud, scribd, blogger, lights, the white screen, tripod and a USB stick.


Adobe Photoshop
This was the main technology that I used  to make my magazine, it was a bit of a challenge for me because I had never used it before. It was hard to just know what the icons do on Photoshop but once I knew what they did and how to use them Photoshop became much easier to use, I have learnt a lot about Photoshop and how you can edit pictures so for example I did not know that there was a spot healing tool. What was useful on Photoshop is that it give the users the ability to add layers to their work, this allows for the user to change or add to what they are making without changing the whole picture so this was very useful to me. 

I used blogger to put up all of my work so that it could be checked to see if I was doing it right and so that my teachers could see what I was doing. I was already familiar with Blogger as I have been using it since I started year 12 so I already know how to use it properly. I think that it is a good way for you to get feedback on your work without printing it out because people can just comment on the work and then you can amend those mistakes, I have been using Blogger for all of the work that I have produced and putting it all on Blogger so that my teachers can see what I'm doing.

This was the first time that I had ever used Soundcloud but I found it very easy to use and I got to grips with it very quickly. I used this website to create my 20 song playlist that have inspired my to choosing the genre that I did, it was important to get the proper song as there are a lot of mix tapes and other playlist on Soundcloud that would have the song that I want but others as well. But now I know how to use it well.

I had used scribd before so I knew how to use it and upload documents. Using scribd makes your work look neater and more professional so that is why I used it. Also if you are using Blogger it is hard to work with pictures so this makes it easier to have pictures in your work and make it look better.  

Again this was a website that i had never used before but this was very easy to understand and make a short video/
presentation. I used Animoto for my 25 word pitch, it was very easy to make and understand it is. You just add music that you want playing in the background or use the ones that they provide and then you simply write want you want in the text boxes and add pictures.  


The Nikon D3000
For my photos I used the Nikon D3000, I don't have much knowledge about cameras so I used the one that the school provided. I did have a few issues to start off with as I did not know how to zoom in but eventually I got the hang of it. The camera gave me some really clear pictures and I was very happy with the quality of the pictures. I think that it is important to get good pictures so that the final product looks good and using the Nikon D3000 gave me that opportunity.

For the majority of this course I have been using computers, the new things that I have learnt is the new programs that I have used, but other than that i have not learnt anything new because I use computers almost everyday and I am used to everything on it. However without this equipment I would not be able to complete this work.


USB stick & 
memory cards 
When using these two types of equipment I did not learn much about them, but they are vital when doing this course because without the memory card I would not be able to save the pictures while I'm taking them. Without the USB stick I would not be able to save my work on it and continue it at home and meet all the deadline days.


 Again with this piece of equipment I did not learn much but I needed it to take a good picture and make sure that the pictures were aligned properly so this was the best piece of equipment that would allow me to do those things.


Lighting & screen
When I was taking my pictures I did not realize how important lighting was when taking a pictures, so I have learnt that lighting is very important when taking a picture. The lighting can make the difference between a "good picture" and a "great picture" and it makes the model standout which allows for the reader to focus on them. Next the white screen, that was important to my pictures because I wanted a background that would be plain and make my model stand out and the white screen. These two pieces of equipment work very well together make pictures look a lot better.


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